Thursday, February 6, 2020

But it's a DRY HEAT.

We pounded across Texas in a couple of days and arrived in Tuscon, AZ to chill for a couple of days in the sun.

Our RV park was pretty fancy with our own private fenced doggy yard for Tilly, which thrilled me as I wouldn’t have take her out for walks constantly.  So I put her in the little yard (complete with a grapefruit tree loaded with fruit) and started helping Patrick set up, and when I turned around she was standing right next to me.  She was so small she slipped right through the wrought iron bars, so we mostly admired the grass the rest of our visit.

We explored Tuscon a little and found the Barrio Bread bakery where we went carb-crazy and bought what would for normal people be way too much bread, but for Patrick is exactly the right amount.

Patrick will have one of everything.
Then we did some typical hilarious shopping for us when I decided we absolutely needed a weighted blanket (because my daughter got one and said it was awesome), so we found a Bed, Bath and Beyond and paid the ridiculous amount of $175 for the only one they had.  Excitedly put it on the bed (it was unseasonably cold at night) and all was well.  Until we realized that neither one of us was strong enough to pull it up or get out from under it.  So after my daughter made fun of us for being terrible shoppers and not listening to her in the first place, we returned it the next day and ordered a lighter one from Amazon for $40.  We should be weighted and warm in the future.

We made several trips to Camping World (the store Patrick loves to hate) to find various supplies, and I got a good chuckle from this pillow. 

I then found an awesome quilt store where I heroically resisted buying ALL THE STUFF  and Patrick got a laugh from their porch display.  

In Yuma we met up with some far flung friends and enjoyed great food by Terry and Laura, fun conversations, and a cool jam session by the musicians in the group.  

I had the best fish taco I’ve ever had from a roadside stand...although full disclosure - it was also the first fish taco I’ve ever had.

I feel like a "Pastor" taco might be religious but I'm not sure.
The Yuma Territorial Prison was pretty cool. If you've ever watched the movie "3:10 to Yuma" (and we did, of course), this is the prison where they sent all the stage coach robbers and bad guys in the wild, wild, west.  I took Patrick’s mug shot using the innovative technology they pioneered in 1902 – which was to seat the prisoner in front of a mirror so the photo would capture their front and side profile (in the mirror) at the same time.

Pretty clever, huh?

The cells were basically iron cages covered in stucco/concrete and they held 6 people – 3 bunks on each side in a 9 x12 space.  I can only imagine the fun times (and stench) with 6 men, no toilet (just a bucket under the bunk), and about 115 degrees in the summer.

The prison also had 29 women prisoners over the years – many for the crime of adultery. Tough crowd back then.

Additionally, it held quite a few polygamists...but I suppose when you've got 20 children maybe a little stint in prison might not be so bad.

From there, we headed out to the Imperial Sand Dunes. We didn’t exactly know where these were, so we just started driving across the desert in the general direction.  Patrick has excellent navigational skills, but I am frequently heard to say things like  "What did Siri say? Turn here?"  At any rate, we found the dunes and they were amazing!

But the good part about wandering along by the seat of your pants is that you never know what you’ll find.  In this case, we happened upon Geezerville – located right next to Camp Trump.  

This appeared to be a small gathering of about 10 people camping in the middle of the desert, so if you ever feel like people don't understand you, just find a wide spot in the desert and start your own community.  

We crossed the state line into California and although it looks very similar to the Arizona desert, we knew we were in California when we saw the gas prices.

So we're now tucked in waiting to cross into Mexico tomorrow and we can't wait!

Patrick loves his LED under lighting that he controls from his phone.

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