Thursday, July 19, 2018

So Who's Counting?

Patrick is a "numbers" guy and I'm an organizational freak, so we're counting everything - miles, days, weeks, parks, and the beautiful scenery that just keeps flying by. We crossed into Canada this morning and have about 2000 miles ahead of us before we reach Alaska.

Glacier National Park
If you haven't looked at the tracker in the sidebar, take a peek.  It's pretty cool to see our path as we've wandered all over on our way north. Plus, if you continue to zoom in on it you can actually see our location down to our campsite when we're parked. (Which is actually a little scary, but I try not to think about it.) 

So it's time for a status update:

# of Miles Driven: 5286
# of Miles to Go: 1671 to Fairbanks, AK, but probably close to 2000 since we take all the scenic backroads
# of States Visited: 13 (FL, GA, AL, MS, TX, NM, AZ, UT, CO, WY, ID, MT, LA)
# of Days on the Road: 29
# of Selfies We’ve Taken Squinting Into the Sun Trying to Tell if We’re Looking in the Right Direction: All of them

# of Times Patrick ALMOST Drove Away from Gas Station with Hose Still in the Tank: 1
# of T-shirts Purchased: 8
# of National Parks Visited: 11
Patrick's Sticker Wall of National Parks Visited
# of NPS Passport Stamps Obtained: 7

Unfortunately, I didn't purchase the National Parks Passport book until after we had already visited the Grand Canyon and a couple of other parks.  I'm sure Patrick will be very understanding when I tell him we have to go back so I can get the stamp. 

# of Photos Taken Since We Left Florida: 5868
# of Photos Taken with the Side Mirror in Them: A Bunch

# of Double Rainbows Seen: 1
Moab, UT
# of Dinosaurs Seen: 3

# of Ice Cream Cones Eaten: Approximately 1 per person per night

# of Pounds We’ve Each Gained: 5-7

# of Electronic Devices We’re Toting: 4 laptops, 3 iPads, 2 iPhones, 2 mobile hotspots, 2 TVs, 1 Satellite Dish, 1 Wifi Booster, 2 GPS Navigations, 1 DeLorme Satellite Tracker, 200 miles of cords/chargers

# of Times Tanya has Told Patrick to Turn the Wrong Way: Countless
# of Times Patrick has Gotten Upset About Tanya’s Lack of Direction: 0
This face has never once gotten mad at me
# of Signs Seen Warning of “Animals in the Road”: A Million

# of  Exotic Animals Seen: A Lot of These:

# of Bears Seen in the Wild: 1
Our first real bear sighting - VERY EXCITING!
Patrick is now convinced another one is around every bend of the road
# of Rainy Days: 1
# of Sand Storms: 1
# of Friends Visited: 3
# of Bi-Plane Rides Taken over Southern Utah: 1
Completely Amazing - We highly recommend it!
# of Amazing, Astounding, Stunningly Beautiful Places We've Visited: Too Many to Count - Look for yourself:

San Juan Mountains

Rapeseed Field (used in Canola Oil) in Idaho

Arches National Park, UT

San Juan Mountains

Patrick and Tanya at Glacier National Park
We're counting all the miles and days and weeks and parks and amazing experiences, but mostly we're counting our blessings.


  1. Glad you're enjoying your trip. Keep sharing, love traveling with you.

  2. Don't get no better than that. Congrats!!

    1. Thank you - we keep thinking it can't get any better and then it does.

  3. Good evening Tanya and Patrick,

    I had no idea you could zoom in on the dot thingy and actually see your location down to our campsite you're in.

    I love Patrick's sticker wall and the passport books make me wanna "follow your feet" just to do that.

    You may have only seen 1 double rainbow (so far) but, WOW what a rainbow !!!!

    QUESTION - favorite ice cream?

    BE safe.
    Jackie Lee

    "We travel,some of us forever, to seek other places, other lives, other souls" -Anais Nin

  4. Hi Jackie - Patrick ALWAYS picks chocolate but I'm a little more adventurous and have tried Huckleberry and a few others. Salty Caramel is my favorite, though... Thanks for reading and following along.
